Design Guidelines for Foiled Plastic Cards
Black, White, Coloured, Metallic, Frosted and Clear plastic cards.
Please contact us for a detailed range of colours.
We can accept artwork in the following format:
Adobe Illustrator (CS4 or earlier)
Please convert all fonts to outlines, any imported images to be at least 300dpi. Save the file in .eps format. Colours need to be spot colours (not cmyk).
Adobe Photoshop (CS4 or earlier)
Please save as .jpeg, .tif, or.eps
Do not show any signature strips, variable data or anything that does not print on the artwork file. Please send a separate pdf visual showing all these items. Colours need to be spot colours (not cmyk).
PDF files
Please convert fonts to outlines and ensure minimum 600dpi. Do not show any signature strips, variable data or anything that does not print on the artwork file. Please send a separate pdf visual showing all these items. Colours need to be spot (not cmyk).
Corel Draw
Please convert fonts to curves and save as .ai file. Imported images must be at least 300dpi.
FTP site
A secure site can be set up where we will provide you with a unique username and password for any large file uploads.
Card size and layout
All cards are produced to standard credit card size and thickness, 86mm x 54mm, 760 micron, with 3mm radius corners.
Any borders must be at least 3mm inside the card edge.
Small Text
Any text of 8pt or smaller should not be bold to prevent any infilling of letters. To achieve the best results, we recommend using regular fonts such as Arial, Calibri or Helvetica.
Fonts such as Times New Roman are not suitable for small text due to the very fine lines in certain characters.
Shading – tints and gradients
We are unable to print any tints or gradients in hot foiling. Should this design type be required, please see our full colour printing process.
Signature Strips
When supplying artwork, please ensure the signature strip position as a solid cyan panel.
Numbering & Personalisation
Please indicate the position of any numbers, names or any other variable information in magenta as shown in the illustration. We can print variable data in a size and font to suit and compliment your design.
If a card is to be embossed, the maximum number of characters that can go across the face of the card is 27 simplex and 19 OCR (inclusive of spaces)